Robert Dillingham mom

Robert Dillingham mom, dad and siblings

Rising American college basketball player, Robert Deon Potasi Dillingham, who plays for the Kentucky Wildcats of the Southeastern Conference (SEC), was born on January 4, 2005. H is a former non-professional player for the Cold Hearts in Overtime Elite. This blog will delve into Robert Dillingham mom, dad and siblings

Dillingham grew up in Hickory, North Carolina, where he was born. He was a basketball player for Lincolnton, North Carolina’s Combine Academy. By his sophomore year, Dillingham had become one of the best players in his class. As a sophomore, he led his team to a 29–3 record to a non-association state championship with averages of 21.2 points, 4.9 assists, 4.1 rebounds, and 2.1 steals per game. The Charlotte Observer Player of the Year award went to him. He changed to Kanye West’s school, Donda Academy in Simi Valley, California, for his junior year.

Robert Dillingham Mom, Dad, Siblings, Bio and Wiki

Full NameRobert Deon Potasi Dillingham
Date of birthJanuary 4, 2005
Zodiac signCapricorn
Place of BirthHickory, North Carolina
Robert Dillingham momValaaulia ‘Lia’ Tailele
DadDonald Dillingham
High SchoolCombine Academy
Donda Academy
CollegeKentucky University
Height6 feet 5 inches
Weight170 lbs. (77kg)
PositionPoint guard

Robert Dillingham Parents

Donald Dillingham and Valaaulia “Lia” Tailele are Robert Dillingham’s parents. Their personal lives have been rather low-key, which fits with Robert’s need for privacy. However, following the completion of a deal with WME, a family disagreement arose. According to a court-ordered child support filing, Robert’s custodial dad, Donald Dillingham, stated that he was not aware of the WME deal until it was finished. The Dillingham family dynamic became more tense as a result of this new arrangement, which tested their already fragile family ties.

Robert Dillingham Mom

Valaaulia “Lia” Tailele is Robert Dillingham’s mom. She co-signed a contract with the sports agency WME, which said that she would get 5% of any NIL money her kid makes, and the firm would get 15%. The revised agreement, which was not signed by a WME official, was signed by Tailele instead of the father, and it included a guarantor agreement confirming Robert’s position as a minor.

Robert Dillingham Dad

Donald Dillingham is Robert Dillingham’s father. Robert’s father, Donald, wants to void any agreements his minor son made. Donald voiced alarm over the dangers of allowing kids to make decisions on their own when they are bound by NIL agreements. He wants to highlight the difficulties parents face in the face of NIL and warn against young people taking on adult duties too soon. Donald’s position highlights the difficulties and dangers that young sportsmen face when negotiating contractual commitments in the changing NIL agreement environment.

Robert Dillingham Siblings

Robert has 2 siblings. Robert Dillingham and Pai Tailele are siblings of Robert Dillingham.  

Robert Dillingham Mom and Dad Conflict on NIL Deal

Robert Dillingham, a highly sought-after point guard and star player for Kanye West’s Donda Academy basketball team, took advantage of his increased earning potential after name, image, and likeness deals for high school athletes were made legal in June, 2021 when he signed a representation deal with agency powerhouse WME.

By August, WME had assisted Dillingham in negotiating a “brand partnership” with Kinlo, the skin-care line of Naomi Osaka. There were thereafter at least two more endorsement agreements.

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There was just one issue. Robert joined with WME at the age of 17, and no one requested his father’s approval. The deal may now end up being contested in court. Robert’s father, Donald Dillingham, claims he want to void any agreements his son made while still a minor. The older Dillingham claimed to have engaged a lawyer to investigate his legal possibilities, albeit it is unclear if he is able to do so.

Although Robert Dillingham mom signed the deal but the portion of his dad’s signature was left unsigned.

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